Friday, May 31, 2013

Stand Still !

There are times when we feel all hope is gone, we have tried everything possible to keep standing. It seems the more we pray the worst things get, leaving you with feeling of giving up the fight. I come today to tell you GOD is saying "Stand still." In Exodus 14:13 God told moses to tell the people "Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show you today". GOD want you to stand still on today, take your eyes off the circumstance and the situation (problem)  place it on GOD, he want you to see his salvation. You can't see GOD salvation if your looking at the problem. I challenge you on today to pray and ask GOD too help you remove your focus off the problem and place it on him, so you can see his salvation, ask GOD to give you the strength to stand still on today.

Be Blessed!!

Exodus 14:13

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Everybody can't go where your going.

There are places that GOD has for you to go that only a select few can go with you. Think it not strange when it appears your circle of people seems to be getting smaller, whether it is friends or family members. Some contacts he had to cut off by force, so think it not strange when people start acting different, or they stop calling or speaking to you. In 1 Corinthians 1:27 it says " But GOD hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  Even when we think we are wise enough and know what we are doing by  holding on to relationships, GOD is saying " Let it go". Sometimes GOD brings us into a quiet place where we can hear from him without hindrance or aggravation so he will allow a separation. If the relationship is meant to be GOD will bring that person back into your life in due season. I challenge you on today to pray and ask GOD to give you the strength and peace while his will is being done in your life concerning relationships, ask him to remove people that can hinder your walk with him and the places he is trying to take you.

Be Blessed!!

1 Corinthians 1:27

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dress for where your going, not for where your at.

There are times when we feel as if nothing is going to change, things will not get better. It seems as though everybody around you may be prospering and you can't seem to get ahead. One minute it seems things are getting better but then it take a turn for the worse. I come today to tell you to turn your faith up a notch. Begin to think kingdom minded, (in the kingdom there are palaces and the finest) reactivate your faith. That home that you desire begin to buy items for it as though you already have it, That new vehicle you desire begin to see yourself in it (even when you are driving in the vehicle you have now), that job or business you desire begin to dress as if you already have it. Begin to write yourself checks in the amount you are believing GOD for, lay your hands on it daily and call it forth! Whatever it is that you are believing GOD for (that is of the will of GOD) believe you already have it, DO NOT allow satan to steal your dreams, take your dreams back!! In Matthew 11:12 it says "the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force" I challenge you on today to get violent with satan and take your dreams back by force! pray and ask GOD to remove the scales off your eyes (doubt and unbelief) so you can see your dreams and visions; ask for strength to continue to fight to be able to trust and believe that it shall manifest in due season, and your due season is now!!!

Be Blessed!!!

Matthew 11:12

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Know who you are and who's you are.

We often find ourselves living our life according to how someone else feel about us and what someone else is saying about us (and often it's the negative things that people say that seems to matter). I come today to inform you, It's all about knowing who you are and who's you are. Knowing your worth and who you belong to is very vital. When we know who we are in Christ realizing we are kids of the King we do not need people to validate us, neither do we allow people to dictate our outcome in life. Our life has been predestined by GOD not man. In  Romans 8;30-31 it says "Whom he did predestined them he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (31) What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us who can be against us? I come today to challenge you to pray and ask GOD to show you who you are in  him, and help you to block out what others say or feel that is negative, that can tarnish your spirit man. Pray and ask GOD to help you stay focused on him and what it is he would have you to do that will glorify his name.

Be Blessed!!

Romans 8;30-31

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Be appreciated and not tolerated.

There are times when we feel as though no matter what we say or do, it is never good enough people are never satisfied . We find ourselves reaching out to others often denying ourselves of personal time and things. We find ourselves constantly pouring out; but never on the receiving in to be poured back into. That's when we have to determine when we need to get from among people that tolerate us and among people that appreciate us. (People are often placed in your life for a season and a reason, some seasons are longer than others and some reasons may not be to your advantage). When an individual is tolerate of another individual they only accept being around them because of what they can benefit from them, but when an individual is appreciative of another individual they appreciate everything about them and they not only tell them but they show them they are appreciated. In Thessalonians 5:11 Paul is saying "Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another."   I challenge you on today to pray and ask God to help you determine your seasons with people, and ask God to send people in your life that will appreciate you and not tolerate you, and begin to thank God for a new beginning!!

Be Blessed!

Thessalonians 5:11

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Turn your worry into worship

In life we often find ourselves worrying about this and  worrying about that, and it seems as if the problem or the situation is growing or getting worst. Worrying can lead to harmful habits and problems within our body. Our natural body was not designed to carry our worries, that is why in Matthew 11;28 Jesus is saying "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Jesus is saying  to you on today; come on I got you, give it to me. I challenge you on today to turn your worry into worship, begin to worship God ask God to help you remove your eyes off that problem or that situation and place your eyes on him, ask him for strength to leave all your worries and concerns with him. Just begin to worship and rest in him on today!

Be Blessed!

Matthew 11;28

Friday, May 24, 2013

To live or not to live that is the question

In today's society we are often faced with life challenges which can cause us to be stagnated naturally as well as spiritually. Leaving us with what appears to be dead hopes, dreams, visions, talents and gifts. We have to keep in mind that in Proverbs 18;21 it says "Death and Life is in the power of the tongue and those that love it will eat it's fruit." My question to you on today is what do you choose for your dreams, visions, talents and gifts; to live or not to live? I come today to ask that you begin to  speak life into every dream and vision that you may have laying dormant. Ask God to allow every gift and talent that is of his will to come forth in Jesus name. Begin to speak life into it and trust and believe it shall come to pass in due season, you shall eat the fruit of life within it. May the same anointing that raised Jesus and Lazarus from the dead be upon every dream, vision, talent and gift that you have on today.

Be Blessed!

Proverbs 18;21

Thursday, May 23, 2013

There is power in silence.

Often we are faced with everyday life challenges when we are involved in certain problems, situations or conversations and an argument may present it self.  We may find ourselves feeling as though we have been violated in some type of manner in which may lead to some type of heated verbal confrontation or even physical confrontations.  Leaving our natural body and mind drained and sometimes feeling empty.  I come today to tell you; you have the right to remain silent!There are times when God want us to just be quiet, In Ecclesiastes 3:7 it says "a time to keep silence and a time to speak."  In that quiet place there is power in silence. Today if you are feeling you have done and said all you could do or say, you have exhausted all your verbals and seems like no one is listening just remember there is power in silence, God is working on your behalf.  I ask you to pray and ask God to grant you the strength to remain silent while he is working.

Be Blessed!

Ecclesiastes 3:7

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lonely but NEVER alone.

Sometimes in life we may feel we are all alone, even during times when we are surrounded by people. There are times when we are faced with certain problems or situations that will make us feel we are all alone, no one understand or no one care. I come today to tell you; you may feel lonely but you are NEVER alone. GOD promises us in  Hebrews 13:5 he will never leave us nor forsake us. That alone is a blessings to know the almighty himself will never leave us nor forsake us. People come and go out of our life on a daily basis but GOD promise us he will NEVER leave us nor forsake us, he will never turn his back on us!! So when you are feeling down and alone just close your eyes and inhale GOD presence he is there, he care and love you more than the natural mind could ever comprehend.

Be Blessed!

Hebrews 13:5

" I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It takes faith to have faith.

Sometimes the cares and affairs of life can make our faith level appear to us as: we either don't have faith or we are low in faith. I am here to tell you today you have faith even when you don't think you do. For instance when we travel and we drive across a bridge or even walk across a bridge that is faith taking you to the other side. So many times we exercise our faith unaware, I ask that you pray and ask God to make you aware of your faith level and utilize your gift of faith on a daily basis.

Luke 17: 6
If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, "Be pulled up and planted by the sea," and it will obey you