Sunday, August 4, 2013

There is power in silence.

Often we are faced with everyday life challenges when we are involved in certain problems, situations or conversations and an argument may present it self.  We may find ourselves feeling as though we have been violated in some type of manner in which may lead to some type of heated verbal confrontation or even physical confrontations.  Leaving our natural body and mind drained and sometimes feeling empty.  I come today to tell you; you have the right to remain silent!There are times when God want us to just be quiet, In Ecclesiastes 3:7 it says "a time to keep silence and a time to speak."  In that quiet place there is power in silence. Today if you are feeling you have done and said all you could do or say, you have exhausted all your verbals and seems like no one is listening just remember there is power in silence, God is working on your behalf.  I ask you to pray and ask God to grant you the strength to remain silent while he is working.

Be Blessed!

Ecclesiastes 3:7