There are times when we feel as if nothing is going to change, things will not get better. It seems as though everybody around you may be prospering and you can't seem to get ahead. One minute it seems things are getting better but then it take a turn for the worse. I come today to tell you to turn your faith up a notch. Begin to think kingdom minded, (in the kingdom there are palaces and the finest) reactivate your faith. That home that you desire begin to buy items for it as though you already have it, That new vehicle you desire begin to see yourself in it (even when you are driving in the vehicle you have now), that job or business you desire begin to dress as if you already have it. Begin to write yourself checks in the amount you are believing GOD for, lay your hands on it daily and call it forth! Whatever it is that you are believing GOD for (that is of the will of GOD) believe you already have it, DO NOT allow satan to steal your dreams, take your dreams back!! In Matthew 11:12 it says "the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force" I challenge you on today to get violent with satan and take your dreams back by force! pray and ask GOD to remove the scales off your eyes (doubt and unbelief) so you can see your dreams and visions; ask for strength to continue to fight to be able to trust and believe that it shall manifest in due season, and your due season is now!!!
Be Blessed!!!
Matthew 11:12
message right on time!
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